Section 2.2 Rotations using Quaternions
(The material in this section was originally published in [1].)
It is important to realize that \(\pm i\text{,}\) \(\pm j\text{,}\) and \(\pm k\) are not the only square roots of \(-1\text{.}\) Rather, any imaginary quaternion squares to a negative number, so it is only necessary to choose its norm to be 1 in order to get a square root of \(-1\text{.}\) The imaginary quaternions of norm 1 form a sphere; in the above notation, this is the set of points
(and \(q_1=0\)). Any such unit imaginary quaternion \(u\) can be used to construct a complex subalgebra of \(\HH\text{,}\) which we will also denote by \(\CC\text{,}\) namely
with \(a,b\in\RR\text{.}\) Furthermore, we can use the identity~(\ref{cis}) to write
This means that any quaternion can be written in the form
and where \(u\) denotes the direction of the imaginary part of \(q\text{.}\)
We define (algebraic) conjugation of one quaternion \(q\) by another quaternion \(p\) by \(pqp^{-1}\text{.}\) 1 The norm of \(p\) is irrelevant here, so we might as well assume that \(|p|=1\text{,}\) in which case \(p^{-1}=\bar{p}\)
What is the result of conjugating a quaternion by \(i\text{?}\)
A useful strategy for solving problems involving the quaternions is to break up the quaternions into a pair of complex numbers. Write \(q\) in terms of a pair of complex numbers via
Then \(i\) commutes with the complex numbers \(q_1\) and \(q_2\text{,}\) but anticommutes with \(j\text{.}\) Thus,
Conjugation by \(i\) therefore leaves the complex plane untouched, but yields a rotation by \(\pi\) in the \(jk\)-plane. Analogous results would hold for conjugation by any other imaginary quaternionic unit, such as \(u\text{.}\)
What is the result of conjugating a quaternion by \(e^{i\theta}\text{?}\)
Interchanging the roles of \(i\) and \(j\) in the previous discussion, conjugation by \(j\) yields a rotation by \(\pi\) in the \(ki\)-plane, so that
Multiplying both of these equations on the right by \(j\) yields the important relation
corresponding to a rotation by \(2\theta\) in the \(jk\)-plane.