Section 6.7 Clifford Algebra Examples
We consider several examples of \(\Cl(V)=\Cl(p,q)\) below with \(n=\dim(V)=p+q\) small. We will make use throughout of the following standard matrices:
Each of the matrices \(\sigma_m\) squares to \(+\one\text{,}\) whereas each \(s_m\) squares to \(-\one\text{.}\)
Subsection 6.7.1 Dimension 1
The Clifford algebra \(\Cl(1,0)\) requires a basis element that squares to \(+\one\text{,}\) so we choose \(\sigma_z\text{.}\) We're done! The Clifford algebra \(\Cl(1,0)\) is generated by \(\{1,\sigma_z\}\text{,}\) which is easily seen to be a copy of the vector space \(\RR\oplus\RR\text{,}\) that is, two diagonal blocks of \(1\times1\) real matrices. 1
The Clifford algebra \(\Cl(0,1)\) must be handled separately. Now we require a basis element that squares to \(-\one\text{,}\) and the obvious choice is \(s_y\) (because it is real). Again, we're done, but this time the algebra is a copy of \(\CC\text{.}\) In fact, we could have started with the one-dimensional vector space spanned by \(i\text{!}\)
Remark 6.7.1. Alternate description of \(\Cl(1,0)\).
We could of course have chosen \(\sigma_x\) rather than \(\sigma_z\) when analyzing \(\Cl(1,0)\text{,}\) resulting in a description similar to that of \(\Cl(0,1)\) in that it does not involve diagonal matrices. Since \(\sigma_x^2=\one\text{,}\) we can interpret \(\RR\oplus\RR\) in this case as the split complex numbers \(\CC'\text{;}\) see Section 2.8 and Section 4.1.
Subsection 6.7.2 Dimension 2
For \(\Cl(2,0)\text{,}\) we need two generators that square to \(+\one\text{;}\) we choose \(\{\sigma_x,\sigma_z\}\text{.}\) There is now an element of rank 2, namely
and we're done. In this case, \(\omega^2=-\one\text{.}\)
For \(\Cl(1,1)\text{,}\) we need do nothing further; simply swap the roles of \(\sigma_x\) and \(s_y\) in the above construction. Thus, start with \(\{s_y,\sigma_z\}\text{,}\) so now
which squares to \(+\one\text{.}\) Thus, as vector spaces, \(\Cl(2,0)\) and \(\Cl(1,1)\) are identical, but they can be distinguished by the sign of the square of their respective elements of rank 2.
Finally, for \(\Cl(0,2)\text{,}\) we need two generators that square to \(-\one\text{.}\) Looking at the matrices in (6.7.1), we choose \(\{s_x,s_y\}\text{,}\) which leads to
Recognizing that these matrices anticommute and all square to \(-\one\text{,}\) we can identify them with the imaginary quaternions. Thus, \(\Cl(0,2)\cong\HH\text{.}\) In fact, we could have started with the two-dimensional vector space spanned by \(i,j\in\HH\text{!}\)
Exercises 6.7.3 Exercises
1. Dimension 3.
Construct the Clifford algebras \(\Cl(p,q)\) with \(n=p+q=3\text{.}\)
2. Dimension 4.
Construct the Clifford algebras \(\Cl(p,q)\) with \(n=p+q=4\text{.}\)