Section 8.3 Projective Lines
(This section was originally published in [1].)
There is another way to view \(vv^\dagger\text{,}\) namely as an element in projective space. Consider a pair of real numbers \((b,c)\text{,}\) and identify points on the same line through the origin. This can be though of as introducing an equivalence relation of the form
where \(0\ne\chi\in\RR\text{.}\) The resulting space can be identified with the (unit) circle of all possible directions in \(\RR^2\text{,}\) with antipodal points identified. This is the real projective space \(\RP^1\text{,}\) also called the real projective line. But this space can also be identified with the squares of normalized column vectors \(v\text{,}\) that is,
where we write \(\dagger\) instead of \(T\) for transpose, anticipating a generalization to the other division algebras.
The normalization condition can be written in terms of the trace of \(vv^\dagger\text{,}\) since
There is yet another way to write this condition, since
Putting the pieces together, we obtain a matrix description of \(\RP^1\) in terms of \(2\times2\) real Hermitian matrices (\(\bH_2(\RR)\)), namely 1
Not surprisingly, all of this works over the other division algebras as well; (8.3.4) holds even over \(\OO\) since \(v\) has only 2 components, so that the computation takes place in a quaternionic subalgebra. Thus, (8.3.5) can be used to define the projective spaces \(\RP^1\text{,}\) \(\CP^1\text{,}\) \(\HP^1\text{,}\) and \(\OP^1\text{,}\) which are again known as projective lines.
However, the traditional definition, in terms of (8.3.1), requires modification over the octonions, as outlined in [1]. One possible choice would be
with \(c=0\) handled as a special case.