Section 6.8 Clifford Algebras over Division Algebras
We begin with a Weyl representation of \(\Cl(3,1)\text{.}\) Consider the gamma matrices
where \(\zero\) denotes the zero matrix, the \(\sigma_m\) denote the Pauli matrices for \(m=x,y,z\text{,}\) and we have introduced the convention that \(\sigma_t=\one\text{.}\) We have also introduced the operation of trace reversal, denoted with a tilde and defined by
where \(X\) is a \(2\times2\) matrix. Since \(X\) satisfies its characteristic equation, namely
we see that
so that \(\tilde{X}\) is closely related to the inverse of \(X\) (if it exists). It is easily checked that \(\{\gamma_t,\gamma_x,\gamma_y,\gamma_z\}\) generate \(\Cl(3,1)\text{.}\)
Since these gamma matrices are block off-diagonal, their products are block diagonal. But the elements of \(\Cl(3,1)\) of rank 2 generate the Lie algebra \(\so(3,1)\text{.}\) Thus, the spinors of \(\Cl(3,1)\text{,}\) represented here by 4-component complex column vectors, decompose into two irreducible representations corresponding to the “top” and “bottom” 2-component column vectors, which are acted on independently by \(\so(3,1)\text{.}\) Elements of these irreducible representations are called Weyl spinors; elements of the original, reducible representation are called Dirac spinors. 1
Let's look at one of the \(2\times2\) blocks, which have the form
Ignoring \(t\) and \(z\) for the moment, the remaining degrees of freedom in \(X\) clearly correspond to a complex number. We can thus imagine generalizing this construction so as to involve any of the division algebras \(\RR\text{,}\) \(\CC\text{,}\) \(\HH\text{,}\) or \(\OO\text{.}\) Notationally, we can rename \(\sigma_y=-is_y\) to \(\sigma_i\text{,}\) and then define \(\sigma_j=-js_y\text{,}\) etc.
The \(\kappa\) resulting gamma matrices (over \(\KK\)) clearly generate \(\Cl(\kappa)\text{,}\) where \(\kappa=\dim(\KK)\text{!}\) Furthermore, we can add \(t\) and \(z\) back in, resulting in \(\Cl(\kappa+1,1)\text{,}\) and hence also to the corresponding orthogonal algebras \(\so(\kappa+1,1)\text{.}\) Explicitly, the four division algebras \(\RR\text{,}\) \(\CC\text{,}\) \(\HH\text{,}\) \(\OO\) lead to the orthogonal groups in \(3\text{,}\) \(4\text{,}\) \(6\text{,}\) and \(10\) spacetime dimensions. Not coincidentally, these are precisely the spacetime dimensions that admit classical supersymmetry! 2
Returning to the \(t\) and \(z\) components of \(X\text{,}\) the key observation is that nothing changes in the above constructions if we replace \(\gamma_m\) with \(\gamma_t L\text{,}\) where \(L\in\CC'\) is the split complex unit (so \(L^2=+1\)). But now we can identify
with a split complex number—and play the same game as before, generalizing to the split division algebras \(\CC'\text{,}\) \(\HH'\text{,}\) \(\OO'\text{.}\) The \(\kappa'\) resulting gamma matrices (over \(\KK'\)) again generate a Clifford algebra, with \(\kappa'=\dim(\KK')\text{.}\) However, the signature is now \((\frac{\kappa'}2,\frac{\kappa'}2)\text{.}\)
Furthermore, we can do both of these generalizations at once! That is, if we set
with \(a\in\OO\) and \(A\in\OO'\text{,}\) then the 16 resulting gamma matrices generate \(\Cl(12,4)\text{!}\) This interpretation is supported by noting that
which indeed has signature \((12,4)\text{.}\) We can in fact use (6.8.7) to define the gamma matrices by letting
with \(a\in\OO\) and \(A\in\OO'\text{,}\) then inserting these generalized Pauli matrices into (6.8.1).
We have carried out this construction using one division algebra and one split division algebra, but only the signature changes if both algebras are division algebras, or both are split division algebras. In summary, we have constructed a family of Clifford algebras “parameterized” by the choice of two (possibly split) division algebras.