Section 6.3 Differential Forms
Given a vector space \(V\) with nondegenerate inner product \(g\text{,}\) we can also construct the exterior algebra \(\bigwedge(V)\text{.}\) As in Section 6.2, we extend \(V\) to an algebra by introducing a bilinear, associative product. However, this time the product, written as \(\wedge\) (“wedge”), is antisymmetric, that is
for all \(v,w\in V\text{,}\) or equivalently
for all \(v\in V\text{.}\) Multiplying \(k\) elements of \(V\) together yields an element of rank \(k\text{,}\) which will only be nonzero if the elements are linearly independent. Thus, as before, a basis \(\{e_m\}\) of \(V\) extends to a basis
of \(\bigwedge(V)\text{.}\) We include the scalars (normally \(\RR\)) as elements of rank \(0\text{,}\) with basis element \(1\text{,}\) by defining
There are thus \({n\choose k}=\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}\) independent elements of rank \(k\text{,}\) and \(n^2\) total elements, in \(\bigwedge(V)\text{.}\)
This entire construction extends easily to the case of vector fields, where the scalars are functions. A common application is to consider vector fields on a manifold \(M\text{,}\) that is, elements of the tangent bundle. In this case, one normally uses the dual space \(TM^*\) of linear operators on \(TM\text{.}\)
An example of such a dual vector field is the differential \(df\) of a smooth function \(f\text{.}\) How does it act on a vector field \(X\text{?}\) By taking the directional derivative of \(f\) in the direction of \(X\text{,}\) that is,
If \(\{e_m\}\) is a coordinate basis, then it acts on functions by partial differentiation, that is,
but in general the action of \(e_m\) is a linear combination of such derivatives.
Similarly, the general dual vector (field) is a linear combination of such differentials. These dual vectors are called 1-forms, and their products are called k-forms, with functions being 0-forms by definition. Elements of the resulting exterior algebra \(\bigwedge(M)\) are called differential forms. If \(\{e_m\}\) is a basis for vector fields, the dual basis \(\sigma^m\) of \(V^*\) is defined by
where \(\delta^i{}_j\) denotes the Kronecker delta.